Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Amish

The Amish are a Protestant anti-modernist religious group founded in the 1690s by Jakob Ammann. Ammann was able to attract followers from among the Mennonites in Switzerland, Holland and Germany-in an attempt to conserve some of the early traditions of Mennonites. In the early 1700s they began to immigrate to the United States where their communities thrived.

Today, Amish live in rural areas, refuse to use electricity and other modern things, and dress very plainly. In addition with trying to live as close as possibly to the ways of members of the early Christian church, the Amish also follow a practice introduced by Ammann known as "shunning". If a member of the group fails to follow the rules, they are to be ostracized by everyone in the group, including family, children and their spouse.

The Amish believe strongly in education, but only provide formal education through the eighth grade and only in their own private schools (one-room schools). The Amish are exempt from state compulsory attendance beyond the eighth grade based on religious principles, the result of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. One-room Amish schools are private institutions, operated by Amish parents. Schooling concentrates on the basic reading, writing, math and geography, along with vocational training and socialization in Amish history and values. Education is also a big part of home life, with farming and homemaking skills considered an important part of an Amish child's upbringing.

Over the years, studies of academic achievement have found that Amish schoolchildren often fared better on standardized tests than their public school counterparts. This finding shocked professional teachers, who scoffed at the idea that a teacher with an eighth grade education, operating in a one room schoolhouse devoid of electricity and heat could teach more effectively than highly technological school districts. In reality, the reasons for Amish schools' success are related to the fact that they do not have such highly technological equipment, and must rely on human and community power. Amish schools actually serve to strengthen and perpetuate that power by teaching the importance of community to their children. In doing so, the school provides students with not only factual knowledge, but also a firm understanding of societal values as taught by the teacher, strengthened by student interaction, and as shown by the community.

Agriculture has always been a major part of the Amish lifestyle. Believing that practical knowledge, hard work and long hours are the marvels that make farm life fruitful, the Amish practice impressive levels of thrift and self-sufficiency. Farming provides a seedbed for nurturing strong families in the values of hard work, frugality, responsibility, simplicity and family cooperation. Horses are also trademark identities of the Amish and their farming, used to plow, cultivate and harvest crops. Tractors are commonly used on Amish farms, but only for power around the barn - to blow silage to the top of large silos, power feed grinders, spin ventilating fans and the like, but are not used for field work. Wagons, corn planters, plows and sprayers are permitted on the fields to increase productivity, as long as they are adapted for horse-drawn use.

The Amish women have been making quilts since 1800. Most of the time a lot of women get together and make quilts. These women do it for relaxation and to socialize with each other. It is also a time to get together and catch up on gossip.However in the 1900-2000, they do it for an income,which has turned into a business. Many Amish women have also set up shops in their home for the family’s income. On the yards of their homes, some of them have signs that says: Quilts sold here, no Sunday sale.

My Opinion
I feel that they are Eco-friendly and are helping by not further polluting the Earth. Other communities should learn their culture so that there will be less production of green-house gases. However, the pleasures that we have will be gone. So there will be no Television, no Computer and games, no Hand phones and no electronic game machines. Worst of all, we will be unable to message each other using emails and can only use post.

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